Advancing gender equity through transformative advocacy and political action.

Right wing extremism is threatening our rights.

U.S. politics, policymaking, and the judicial system have been infected by an alarming radical right-wing agenda that poses an existential threat to our rights, livelihoods, and democracy.

With your support, Gender Justice Action is overcoming this opposition, and advancing a transformative legislative agenda motivated by justice and liberation in the face of gender-based oppression in the Upper Midwest.

By mobilizing the majority of Minnesotans who support gender equity, we are building a grassroots movement to elect gender equity champions through targeted electoral strategies and pass policies to expand reproductive freedom and LGBTQ rights.

Our wins Together, we have helped champions of gender equity and justice win their elections, passed numerous pieces of legislation that have substantially improved the lives of Minnesotans, and moved the MN Equal Rights Amendment closer than ever to reality. Read more.